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  • sarahfrancisauthor


Updated: Mar 24, 2023

As you will all be aware on Monday 6th February 2023 at 4:17am in the morning, a massive earthquake hit the beautiful country of Turkiye. The damage is immeasurable, it will take this amazing place years to recover. My heart goes out to everyone affected by the force of nature. People whose homes remain standing in the earthquake zone still can't sleep in their own beds as they don't know how safe their buildings are and there may be even more aftershocks. It has been as cold as -22 degrees there. Something we will never experience over here. We are so fortunate in England. Turkiye was already struggling, the lira plummeted against the pound and the cost of living rose to a 24 year high of 85%. The area affected by the earthquake is almost the size of England. Such a wonderful, kind and generous race of people. My heart breaks for them. Every time a person is pulled alive from the rubble, I've sobbed for them. The ultimate tragic image was of a father, Mesut Hancer holding the hand of his beautiful 15 year old daughter Irmak where she had died in the earthquake in Kahramanmaras, near to the epicentre. This broke my heart. Rest in Peace beautiful Irmak. Mesut will never read this, but I will immortalise his daughter in one of my books. Many appeals have started up to help those affected. I sent my donation straight to Selahattin at Turkish Coast Homes, they raised £7,580. This money was shared between 5 policemen who were part of the rescue mission, these men lost everything themselves and continue to work as they cannot be relocated, some are injured and they are all living in tents. Also to two families who lost everything and the rest of the money has gone towards making new clothes for the survivors and helping out students who have been relocated to Fethiye, with nothing. I am not religious in the slightest, but for the people of Turkiye who do believe in Allah, I hope he takes good care of you now.

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